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  • Writer's pictureSwati Chavan

Basic things to know while selecting plant indoors & outdoors for your home!!

The beauty of an indoor garden is that it requires less space to set up. You can place it in any corner of your house where you can easily access all the basic amenities.

The flowering plants add color, charm, and character and provide endless opportunities for interaction with nature. There are some basic principles of plant care that can make the experience so much more enjoyable and the plants so much healthier.

How to select indoor plants:-

Humidity-Dry air is harmful to plants grown indoors. especialy tropical plants, that only thrive when their humidity requirements are fulfilled, while succulents love low humidity levels. . Be sure that you understand the humidity requirements of your plant before you bring it home. Some plants will do better in bathrooms or if misted daily.

Humidity is critical for photosynthesis to take place, allowing plants to get what they need to grow. When the humidity is high, and there is a drop in air circulation, the process in a plant slows down. It will lead to low absorption of nutrients from the soil, and eventually, the plant will die.

Water-More houseplants are killed due to overwatering & water stress than anything else.Too much water causes root rot and is fatal to most houseplants.Many plants, like the rex begonia, calathea don’t need to be watered until they are almost completely dry. A good rule of thumb is to stick your finger, to your knuckle, into the soil, and if the soil is moist, don’t water, if it is dry, water until the water drains out of the bottom of the container.

Never allow an indoor plant to sit in water, always drain the excess away immediately after watering. Always use distilled water, as tap water contains harsh chemicals that can harm plants.

You can keep a water tray below the pot for delicate plants and allow the plant to suck water from the bottom through the drainage holes. The upward absorption is an effective method.

Fertilizer – Most houseplants benefit from a dose of fertilizer, but only during the growing season. Organic Liquid or powder fertilizers made specifically for houseplants are the best choice.

Light - If possible, choose a spot near a window for fresh air and natural light sources. It’s good to get the natural elements, as long as the temperatures aren’t extreme.

Natural sunlight is hands down a better resource than artificial lighting. However, not every corner of indoor space can access direct sunlight frequently. Grow lights are almost as effective as daylight, but of course an added cost. 

Growing Media - Growing medium in outdoor gardens is commonly soil, but if we’re looking at indoor gardening plants and you want soil, we’ll want to look at potting soil.

Potting soils (also known as Potting Mix) are generally a mixture of pine bark, peat moss, and vermiculite or perlite. Unlike garden soil, potting soil contains no actual “soil” in it. On the other hand, garden soil is the regular natural topsoil / sand blended with organic material or artificial fertilizers.

How to select Outdoor plants:-

Plants to select  

Getting the most out of your outdoor plants begins with understanding which plants grow best in your particular growing region.

Requirements of plants:

Pay particular attention to planting requirements. Some plants thrive in acidic soil while others prefer a more neutral base. Some plants like the full sun while others will burn up unless they get some shade.

Care and Maintenance :

Some people bring plants home and get them into the ground but fail to follow through with any maintenance. Although plants vary on the amount of care they require, most require a particular amount of water weekly, fertilizer, and many need pruning in order to maintain their appearance & health.

So next time someone asks about plants for his/her house, tell them to check these factors and keep enjoying gardening.

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